"He was discovering happiness in the present. When he sat reading in the library, or playing Mozart in the music room, he often felt the invasion of a deep spiritual emotion, as if Shangri-LA were indeed a living essence, distilled from the magic of the ages and miraculously preserved against time..."

Lost Horizon, Milton

Thursday, September 17, 2009

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Getting Ready

Well, it is getting close. Packing, finalizing details, saying goodbye, and finishing up work are the major tasks. Gabe has a few more football games to play. Classes have finally started for Emily at University of St. Thomas. Alec is busy with tests at University of Iowa Dental School.
Then, we are off on Saturday, Oct 3, 2009 from Cedar Rapids., Iowa to New Plymouth, New Zealand. Al, Gabe and I will go first and settle in. Then, Alec and Emily will visit for the holidays. Can't believe it is almost time go. How does one get ready for life down under? I'll keep ya posted as the details unfold. Stay tuned for updates--school with the Kiwis for Gabe, practicing psychiatry in New Plymouth, and new adventures for 2009.