"He was discovering happiness in the present. When he sat reading in the library, or playing Mozart in the music room, he often felt the invasion of a deep spiritual emotion, as if Shangri-LA were indeed a living essence, distilled from the magic of the ages and miraculously preserved against time..."

Lost Horizon, Milton

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Holiday photo gallery of New Zelaand life

Ouch. Al with his head injury from a recent rollerblading accident. Looks like he will be wearing a helmet when he heads out on his rollerblades next time.

Gabe having fun during a scenic rest stop.  Then, it was time to get back in the car.

Em and Mo were enjoying the girl time together.

Watch out for the big drop off.

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  1. Nice look with the forehead there Al! What's next, a Maori tattoo?, LOL.

  2. Better than being eaten by cannibals in Fiji!!

    Mo and Al

  3. i'm glad the clifftop didnt slip

  4. We'd love to try dam dropping at Lake MacBride. However, the DNR might object.

  5. I always hate when the clifftop slips.
