"He was discovering happiness in the present. When he sat reading in the library, or playing Mozart in the music room, he often felt the invasion of a deep spiritual emotion, as if Shangri-LA were indeed a living essence, distilled from the magic of the ages and miraculously preserved against time..."

Lost Horizon, Milton

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Dive Mates on Our Last Dive in Beqa Passage

Here we are, after completing our open water dives with satisfied feelings and happy spirits. On our last dive trip near Pacific Harbour (at the eastern end of the Coral Coast), we descended to 23 m. Our dive companions were from Australia and Sweden as the Beqa Lagoon attracts divers from all over the world. This area is well known for the world's best soft coral and shark research. Unfortunately, the shark dive at Beqa Passage had no openings during our stay in Pacific Harbour. Maybe, next time or on another dive we may have such an opportunity.

Al and Gabe managed to squeeze in an extra dive while Emily and I relaxed on the surface. They swam thru two underwater caves and they fought the strong current of the Beqa Passage. Al luckily found a shell but we returned it to the ocean as there was something living inside.  Gabe stayed underwater longer than Al who had to surface. His air from his tank was running low so he surfaced early. He had exerted alot of energy for swimming against the strong current. Wisely, he came up ahead of Gabe and our Fijian dive instructor.
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  1. wish you had gotten the picture of the sea turtles! it wouldve been really cool

  2. Maybe next time, if the photographer is in the mood.

  3. Actually the camera automatically shuts down below 30 feet. Al
