"He was discovering happiness in the present. When he sat reading in the library, or playing Mozart in the music room, he often felt the invasion of a deep spiritual emotion, as if Shangri-LA were indeed a living essence, distilled from the magic of the ages and miraculously preserved against time..."

Lost Horizon, Milton

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Frolic in the Vineyard

     Saying goodbye was always hard, especially when you were justing starting a new friendship.  Well, that's what Al and I had to do last Friday night.  We spent a "brilliant evening" in celebration of friendship at Okurkuru (our favorite restuarant and vineyard).  Tom and Noelle, our new American friends, were our invited guests.

We feasted on delicious Kiwi delicacies like ostrich and whitebait.  Plus, the great wines from the vineyard out back were delectable.  I always enjoy myself at this dining establishment and local vineyard (only 2 miles away from our house).  There was plenty of time for sharing our Kiwi experiences.  Al talked about tackling his "bucket list".   We remembered times of mountain climbing, rappelling, spelunking, and diving. The weekends have been full of exploring beaches or tramping in the backcountry.  However, time has been running out.  After spending a year in New Plymouth/Oakura, Tom and Noelle with their gang of four kids, a puppy, and a cat are heading home to Virginia.

We know we have been living the good life in New Zealand.   No one drove big fancy cars or rented a fine mansion-type houses in Taranki.  It has been a great fun to live such an adventureous life.  It seemed that we Americans have quickly caught on and we try to have "no worries".   Now, will Tom and Al be able to follow their own sage advise.  Will we be able to live a life with less complications and distractions?  Time will tell the true story for our families after our return back to the States.    


  1. the new zealand philosophy about life is one that many americans need to learn. glad to see your adopting this philosophy. great job on blog.

  2. Yeah, and keep reminding all of us (in case we forget).

  3. Let's see how much we have learned when placed back in the race that the rats are winning.
