"He was discovering happiness in the present. When he sat reading in the library, or playing Mozart in the music room, he often felt the invasion of a deep spiritual emotion, as if Shangri-LA were indeed a living essence, distilled from the magic of the ages and miraculously preserved against time..."

Lost Horizon, Milton

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Al always advises his patients to be prepared and "expect the unexpected". Well, he was right. Everything was rolling along according to plan. There were the good byes at family lunches and dinners with friends. We were lucky as we attended several Hawkeye home football games in Iowa City. Our last Hawkeye memory will be celebrating a birthday with friends in Kinnick stadium. Of course, we will miss those football games in Iowa City. However, we hear rugby in New Zealand can be pretty entertaining.

Then, the unexpected happened. Gabe was suddenly feeling tired, feverish, and under the weather. Maybe, he just over did it with his friends for the final weekend at home. However, our anxiety levels were rising as fast as Gabe's fever. Thankfully, our neighbor, a plastic surgeon dropped off surgical masks. It took some coaxing but Gabe has worn his mask while recovering. He tested negative for strep throat and Influenza A. He returned to school on Weds. He found out there are many missing classmates. Al suspects Gabe had H1N1 flue, especially since there was a confirmed case of H1N1 flue at his school.

We still have a little time left and a lot of packing to go. I am adding some extra rain gear and warm sweaters. Springtime in New Zealand has reportedly been rainy and cool. Count down is in progress till we depart on Sat. Oct. 3, 2009.

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